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As a GOA Entrepreneur Presenter, you are coached and prepared for your 15 min presentation and receive a template for polishing your Executive Summary, tightening your financials, exit strategy and developing a defensible company valuation to insure adequate funding.
At GOA, you can expect to present to 15-25 GOA Angel Investors, VCs and Investment Bankers. We normally hear from 3-4 young companies seeking capital per GOA meeting for 15 min each with PowerPoint Pitch Deck and then 5-10 min for Q&A.
We become your focused advocate to fulfill your seed and early stage capital needs and requirements.
How It Works
The Bootcamp For Entrepreneurs SUMMER 2024!
3-month intensive Start-Up Boot Camp for Entrepreneurs on Zoom Platform

What's Included?
12 Weekly intensive Zoom Lessons of 60-90 min & 12 private one-on-one coaching sessions and review, comment and critique of student created Business Plan
Start date June 2024 on Zoom 5:00-6:30PM EST - 12 Tuesday Nights
Graduates of SPARK get 50% off monthly on Zoom Gathering of Angels registration fee
Each of 12 course sessions will be taped for later viewing or conflicts
Paid Registrants may bring 1-2 Management Team members complementary to SPARK sessions
Cost $3,000 paid upfront….Register Now for June 2024 Cohort
Introduction and Course Overview and Valuation
Creation of a Business Plan and Executive Summary and selection of type of corporate entity, tax elections and corporate governance
MVP—Market Viable Product. Beta customers and platform and paying customers
Capital Finance Sources-Friends & Family, Angels, VCs, Private Equity and Investment Bankers
Books and Records, QuickBooks, 1-5 year financial projections and margins
Debt Finance Options---Credit Cards, Loans, SBA 7A, grants and SBIRs
Strategic Partners for Capital, introductions and institutional knowledge
Building your Management Team, Board of Directors, Strategic Advisors, Legal and Accounting support with limited capital
Company website, SEO, Blogs and Marketing and Social Media optimization
Angel Finance and GOA Monthly Pitch Night and PPT Deck
Valuation—The Art of the Deal, 14 methodologies and preferred pricing of stock using Discounted Cash Flow(DCF)
Course Summary and Graduation
12-Week Course Outline

Tarby Bryant, Instructor
Wes Pennington, Instructor
2 World Class Teachers and Angel Investors---Tarby Bryant and Wes Pennington
Tarby Bryant holds BA in Economics and MBA with high honors in Finance, US Army Intelligence Officer with combat service in Vietnam, 8 years as Adjunct Finance Professor at 3 universities, former CEO of Invest Atlanta, former Venture Capital Partner, Angel Investor for last 50 years, and Merchant Banker
Wes Pennington is a CPA with an MBA in Finance and over 30+ years in Accounting and Finance, guest lecturer at Georgia Tech, GA State, GA Southern and Atlanta and Nashville Bar Associations, Former contractor to FDIC and RTC, Accounting firms practice leader for M&A and Valuation practices.
Our Story
The Gathering of Angels was founded in Santa Fe NM in October 1996 by local entrepreneur and active Angel Investor Tarby Bryant as an economic development initiative. Too many New Mexico start-ups and young companies were leaving the state after their launch in the 3 national laboratories-LosAlamos, Sandia and Phillips. A New Mexico entrepreneur might be working at the Lab and decide to patent the technology he or she was working on and fund the start-up venture with personal savings and IRAs, and then would tap out friends and family. When all of these sources of capital were exhausted, the New Mexico startup had to look outside the state as there were no Angel clubs, groups or forums and no venture capital firms with offices in New Mexico. A Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist would target this company; offer an investment lifeline but only on the condition that they relocate to Palo Alto or San Jose. And poof ..... they followed the money to California.
This repeated scenario of relocation was dramatized in the founding of Microsoft in the late 70s by Bill Gates and Paul Allen who were attracted to Albuquerque because of the Altair computer. They realized it needed an operating system and created MS-DOS, the forerunner for Windows. After running up a legal bill for $50,000 with Montgomery and Andrews protecting the intellectual property around MS-DOS, and unable to pay, and then Gates's father offered a loan of $50,000 but they must leave New Mexico and relocate back to Seattle. They too followed the money, and many Microsoft millionaires were minted in Seattle and not Albuquerque.
In the mid-1990s, there were no Venture Capital firms with offices in New Mexico, no Angel groups meeting monthly and the banks as today were not making loans to startups without a 3 year track record and audited financials. Modeled after the successful Band of Angels in Palo Alto, Bryant hosted his first Santa Fe Gathering of Angels at the Eldorado Hotel in "The City Different" and from 1996 to 2000 hosted only New Mexico Companies as presenters. In 2000, he spread the Gathering of Angels across the country from Atlanta, Charlotte, Washington DC, Jacksonville, Austin, Houston, Dallas, and Scottsdale and to 3 cities in California. All GOA meetings were face-to-face with 3-4 young companies making 15 minute pitches for seed capital followed by time for Q&A and then evaluation sheets for feedback, coaching and investment interest noted.
Since October 1996, The Gathering of Angels has facilitated over 450+ capital fundings to startup and young entrepreneurial companies from 10k to 12.SM. After 3 years of GOA meetings on the Zoom platform, GOA will return to face-to-face meetings in September 2023 in Chattanooga, TN, as this important journey to provide "Access to Capital" continues.
For more information on The Gathering of Angels, contact GOA Founder and CEO Tarby Bryant, MBA
404-606-2193 or tarbycbryant@gmail.com www.gatheringofangels.com
Join The Gathering of Angels
Apply to be a presenter or investor with the Gathering of Angels